linsley family

linsley family
our family of 4

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More tailgaiting

We love football season when we get to tailgate with family and friends. Here are some more tailgating pics from this fall.

a boy and his football

Walker is smitten with Amelia

Tate is smitten too :)

Go Dawgs!

Around the House - Fall 2011

Here are some cute pics from random fun around our house.

taking a break while raking for some fun in the wheelbarrow

Walker LOVES playing football with his helmut on.

sleepy boy!

I love how Tate is looking at Walker in this picture.

Walker spilled an entire bowl of salsa on his head and it was too funny of a picture to pass up.

Halloween 2011

We had fun coordinating the boys' costumes this year. Walker was a chef, and Tate was a lobster. Walker kept saying he was going to cook Tate, so we couldn't resist a pic with him in a stockpot.

Walker with his buddy Sam (asking kids to say "Happy Halloween" is a great way to capture smiles) ;)

We took a trip to the pumpkin patch with Bompa and DD. Walker loved playing in the leaves and with the pumpkins. Tate was not too thrilled with the pumpkins though.